Sunday, July 29, 2012

映画:職人の物語「ジロー・ドリームス・オブ・スシ」/ Movie: The story of a professional craftsman 'Jiro Dreams of Sushi'

This isn't the normal type of movie that has a story. It's more of a documentary. The movie revolve around a 85 years old sushi craftsman, 'Jiro, Ono'. He's also the owner of the Sushi restaurant 'Sukiyabashi Jiro'. Through the movie, you can basically have a better idea of the life 'Jiro, Ono' is leading, the lifestyle of a Japanese craftsman, the making of a good Sushi... etc.

Poster of the Movie 'Jiro Dreams of Sushi'

  • 映画にたくさん美味い寿司があるので、だからお腹が空いたとき、その映画を見ないほうがいいです。(僕はその映画を見るとき、唾液はずっとずっと流しています。突然にお寿司を食べたいです。
    イヤ-----(*゚∀゚*)-----ン!!!! )
  • As the movie shows a large collection of indulging Sushi images, therefore I wouldn't recommend you to watch the movie with an empty stomach.(In fact, I was drooling towards the end of the movie... And after spending an hour plus watching the movie, I suddenly have the urge of eating Sushi... =="")

* こちは映画「ジロー・ドリームス・オブ・スシ」の資料です。(英語のサイト)
^ これは「すきやばし次郎」の資料です。
* Click here to find out more about the movie 'Jiro Dreams of Sushi'.
^ Click here to find out more about the restaurant 'Sukiyabashi Jiro'.

Monday, July 23, 2012

カムイン北海道/Come In to Hokkaidō?

数週間前に、僕と友達は'Clarke Quay'に合う前に、暑いので、アイスクリームを食べたいです。だから、'Liang Court'へアイスクリームを食べに行きました。そこで。。。
Few weeks ago, I'm suppose to meet my friends at 'Clarke Quay', but due to the hot weather, I decided to grab some ice cream before I meet them. Therefore, I decided to pay a visit to 'Liang Court'...

そのメロンの部分は、味が重いし、質とかき氷が大体同じです。(≧∇≦)b です。
(附:日本のメロンの価格はS$50ほどです。高いですね~~~Σ(゚Д゚ υ) です)
'Melon and Vanilla Ice Cream'
The taste for the vanilla ice cream is pretty much the same
else where, but the taste for the Melon ice cream is pretty strong.
On top of that, the texture of the ice cream is pretty much
similar to the Japanese style 'shaved ice'. (≧∇≦)b
(Note: Speaking of Melon, do you know that a Melon in Japan
or from Japan can cost as much as S$50?)

「Liang Court」の「明治屋」の店舗内、「カムイン北海道」という店がありますよ。
The name of the shop will be 'Come In Hokkaidō'. You can find
all sorts of infamous sweets and biscuits from Hokkaidō over there.
By the way, this shop is located inside the compound of 'Meidiya'
Singapore, which is located in 'Liang Court'.

* こちはシンガポールの「明治屋」分店の資料です。
^ これは「Liang Court」の資料です。(英語のサイト)
* Click here for the website of 'Meidiya' Singapore.
^ Click here to find out more about 'Liang Court'.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

新しいラーメン選手・麺屋「青山」 / New Ramen Competitor - 'Menya Aoyama'

There's a new competitor at the 'Ramen Champion' at Bugis+(Previously known as Illuma). The new competitor would be...

'Menya Aoyama'.

'Special Tonkotsu Ramen'
This would be the infamous ramen of 'Menya Aoyama'.
According to the relevant resources, the chef has used
ingredients like pig bones, pig feet, chicken bones, etc...
in preparing the ramen soup. The process seems to be pretty
tedious especially when 13 hours is needed in preparing the
ramen soup. This ramen soup is very different from the other
ramen soup out there. This soup isn't very salty and it's
pretty delicious and I love it pretty much. :D
The 'Char Siew' is pretty tasty and thick too. :D
Besides for the above, the noodles are pretty easy to digest
and pretty tasty too. Besides for that, ...

The standards for the 'Ajitsuke Tamago' is pretty high too.
It's pretty hard outside and pretty soft inside. :P
If you have the time, you should try making a trip down to
that place and give it a try. :D

* これは「麺屋・青山」の資料です。
^ これは「ラーメンチャンピオン」の資料です。
~ これは「Bugis+」の資料です。
* Click here to find out more about 'Aoyama'. (In Japanese)
^ Click here to find out more about the 'Ramen Champion' located at Bugis+.
~ Click here to find out more about 'Bugis+'.

Monday, July 9, 2012

眩しい食事 / Dazzling Meal

In another 3 weeks will be 'Doyo no Ushi no Hi'. In Japan, they believe that by eating nutritious eel on that particular day will help you to increase your stamina and beat the summer heat. So, have you made a reservation at your favourite eel restaurant?

Have you eaten Nagoya's, Japan, delicacy 'Hitsumabshi' before?
I have eaten it once during my trip to Japan 2 years ago.
The way of eating it is pretty interesting, and the taste is
delicious and I kinda miss it. :|

Speaking of Japanese food, one could easily find Japanese food
items like Sushi, Ramen, Kaiseki, etc... in Singapore.
However, when it comes to 'Hitsumabushi', it ain't so
easy to find it. Since I haven't been eating eel for like
half a year, I suddenly have the urge of having it for dinner. (By the way, 'Mabushii' in Japanese means dazzling.)

According to the Internet, it seems that this place has
a large variety of Japanese eel set meals, therefore I
decided to have my dinner at that place.

I personally find the food there to be very delicious.
The taste of the eel is pretty much the same as those
that I have tasted in Japan. Besides for the delicious
food that they are serving you, they have also provided
a jar of soy sauce, so that you can add as much soy sauce
as you want onto the pot of eel + rice. :D
Another good point, would be the waitress in Kimono
looks pretty impressive. :P

  1. 最初はこれをそのまま茶碗に一杯取り、そのまま食べる。
  2. 次はおかわりの様に2杯目を取り、薬味(わさび・のり・みつば等)をのせて食べる。薬味は葱・山葵(わさび)・海苔が基本で、ウナギによく合う3種である。これらの味の変化を楽しみながら味わう。
  3. 3杯目は2杯目の様にしたものにお茶(煎茶)もしくはだし汁(店単位で異なる)をかけ、さっぱりとお茶漬けのように食べる。この食べ方は、質の落ちた鰻をおいしく食べるために考案されたと言われている。
  4. 最後は1~3のうち最も気に入った食べ方で食べる。
The following shows way of savouring the 'Hitsumabushi':
(Taken from the Wikipedia)
Using the wooden spoon, divide the eel + rice into 4 portions.
  1. Scoop out one of the portions and put it into the tea bowl and savour it.
  2. Scoop out another portion and put it into the tea bowl and add ingredients like 'Wasabi', 'Seaweed', 'spring onion', etc... on top of it and savour it.
  3. Scoop out the third portion and put it into the tea bowl and add the same ingredients that you have added in step 2 and pour in the soup that was given.
  4. As for the last portion, you can just go with any one of the above steps will do.
Well then, where can we have this('Hitsumabushi')?

それは「Intercontinental Hotel」というホテルの一階の和食店です。
The name of this restaurant would be 'Chikuyotei' and
it is located on level 1 of 'Intercontinental Hotel'

  • 12:00~14:30
  • 18:30~20:30
  • 定休日:なし

Operating Hours (Daily):
  • 12pm - 2:30pm
  • 6:30pm - 10:30pm

* これは「竹葉亭」の資料です。
^ これは「Intercontinental Hotel」の資料です。(英語のサイト)
* Click here to find out more about 'Chikuyotei'. (In Japanese)
^ Click here to find out more about 'Intercontinental Hotel'.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

戦争の結果 / The outcome of war

There are rich people, poor people, kind people all sorts of people living on Earth. Therefore, in order to satisfy their desire or fulfil their dreams, they tend to hurt others unknowingly. And the following shows one of the results of these unpleasant actions...

This would be the World Cultural Heritage site of Hiroshima, Japan.
The name of the site is known as 'Atomic Bomb Dome'.
Even though move than half a century has pass, but this place still
remain pretty gloomy, even on a sunny day.
(Could it be the spirits of those that was killed during the war
that is causing the gloomy atmosphere?)

Various Camera Angle of 'Atomic Bomb Dome'.

Either ways, war can only bring more damages than good advantages.
Ex: Environment damages, mass destruction, etc...
Therefore, one shouldn't be encouraging and supporting war.

* これは「原爆ドーム」の資料です。
* Click here to find out more about 'Atomic Bomb Dome'.