Wednesday, June 29, 2011

シンガポールでお酒とラーメンフェア / Sake and Ramen Fair in Singapore

見て見て、シンガポールでお酒フェアとラーメンフェアがあります。お酒とおつまみフェアは今日もう始まりました。ラーメンフェアは今週の金曜日始まります。Look, look, there's going to be a Sake fair and a Ramen fair in Singapore.

The following information are meant for the Sake & Otsumami* Fair:
会場(Venue):オーチャード ロード 伊勢丹下一階
:Orchard Road Isetan Basement 1 Supermarket

The following information are meant for the Ramen Fair:
会場(Venue):Liang Court Mediya Supermarket

* 酒を飲むときに食べるお菓子は「おつまみ」として知られています。
* 「Otsumami」 are snacks that you eat when you are drinking sake.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

源氏物語 / The Tales of Genji

この画は「Tuttle Publishing」のウェブサイトからダウンロードしました。
This image was downloaded from the website of Tuttle Publishing.


I always thought that the story of "The Tales of Genji" was similar to the story of "The Tales of the Heike", but I was wrong. The story of both books were completely different.
The story of "The Tales of Genji" revolve around Prince Genji and his family.*
As for the story of "The Tales of Heike", the story revolve around the family members of the Heike family.^
Actually, when I was reading a lot of books back then, "The Tales of Genji" had been continuously recommended. Therefore, I decided to read the book.
However, as the level of Japanese language used for writing the book was too high, I had to read a English translated version of the book, which makes it easier for me to understand the story.


When I was reading the book, my emotions towards the book had also changed as the contents of the book changes.
For example:
I am jealous of the main character of the book for having such a gentle and beautiful wife.
I couldn't forgive the main character for the fact that he was not satisfied with the fact that he has such a good wife. (I wanted to kill the main character...)

この本と18世紀の中国の「紅楼夢」のタイプが大体同じです。** しかし、全然比べません。


After I had completed reading the book, I couldn't believe that the author of the book was a lady that had existed in Japan more than a thousand years ago.
And she probably needs to have a lot of courage in order to write such a fashionable book during that period of time.
Despite of the fact that the theme of this book is similar to the book "Dream of the Red Chamber" written by a Chinese writer in the 18th century, both books were incomparable.**
This is because both authors existed in a different period of time and their gender were completely different.

If you have a lot of time, I would highly recommend you to read the book "Tales of Genji".

* これは「源氏物語」の資料です。
^ これは「平家物語」の資料です。
** これは「紅楼夢」の資料です。

* Click here for more information about [The Tales of Genji].
^ Click here for more information about [The Tales of Heike].
** Click here for more information about [Dream of the Red Chamber].

Friday, June 17, 2011

シンガポール:美味しいとんかつー「とん吉」/ Oishi Tonkatsu in Singapore - Tonkichi


According to me and my stomach, "Tonkichi"「とん吉」 serve one of the best Tonkatsu in Singapore. As I have been to Hiroshima, Japan before, the taste and the size of the Deep fried Oyster available at "Tonkichi" were quite similar to those that I had eaten in Hiroshima, Japan. Oishine~~~~~~~~~ Shiawasene~~~~~~~~~~~


As usual, a photo speaks a thousand words.
Here are the photos that were taken at "Tonkichi".


What! This image is not convincing enough?
Let's take a closer look.

もし今週はもう一回帰って、十日以内第三回に帰ります。( ; ゚Д゚)

I'm drooling again... I feel like eating it for the
third time within the last 10 days... especially when...

実は、GSS (Great Singapore Sale)によって、

Tokichi is currently having a 20% promotion for all Pokka Card members...
So why don't you hurry and make a trip down trying out all the oishi tonkatsu there.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

日本と宗教 / Religion in Japan


Most of the people in this world had only believed in 1 religion.
But, for most of the Japanese in this world, they had believed in 2 different religions.

ねきょうとさん ハァハァ(*´д`*)━( *´д )━(  *´)━(  )━(゚   )━(Д゚  )━( ゚Д゚ )ハァ?
Nekyouto: Har?
You must be joking. I am a Singaporean and my religion is 'Taoism'.
I cannot believe that there are people in this world
that belong and believe in 2 different religions.


In fact, when I heard about it for the first time, I couldn't believe my ears too.
But, a fact is a fact. For most of the Japanese, they believed in 2 different religion.



1. Shinto
According to the Japanese, 'Shinto' is related to everyday life.
That is the reason why, major ceremonies like wedding ceremony and
coming-of-age ceremony were held at a 'Shinto' Shrine.

Click here for more information about 'Shinto'.



2. Buddhism
According to the Japanese, 'Buddhism' is related to the afterlife.
That is the reason why, most of the funerals were held at a 'Buddhism' Temple.

Click here for more information about 'Shinto'.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

京都:おすすめ老舗蕎麦店「本家尾張屋」/ Recommended Shop for Traditional Soba Restaurant in Kyoto, Japan

「やんごとなき御方より召されて、山鳥の尾張の国より都にまいりしは、室町時代花の御所の時なり」と家譜に伝える本家尾張屋。 寛正六年(西暦一四六五年・応仁の乱の前年)に、菓子司として始まり次第に、そば処としても、京の町衆に親しまれるようになりました。
その味わいが、京の町で名高くなるにつれ、由緒ある寺院、宮家の方々にも、本家尾張屋のそばを好まれる方が多くなり、本願寺などからは「五色そば」と言われる美しく上品な彩りのそばの注文もよくあり、大きな重箱をもって買いにこられたものです。 また、江戸時代には、御用蕎麦司(いわゆる宮内庁御用達)をつとめ、宮中へ、そばをつくりに伺うこともしばしばありました。*


History of [Honke Owariya]
Since 1465, Owariya noodle restaurant, originally a confectionary shop, has been loved by the people of Kyoto. Besides serving Kyoto restaurants throughout history, Owariya has also been patronized by the emperor's family and monks from Kyoto's historic temples. In the Edo period we served our noodles in the imperial palace, and even today, the royal family visits us when they come to Kyoto. We have been keeping our traditional tastes and serving from our hearts for over 530 years. We hope that you, too, will enjoy this tradition.*

*The information stated in the above was taken form the website of [Honke Owariya].

In the image below, "Soba Mochi" was positioned on top
and "Soba Saka", can be found in the middle of the image.
I personally find these sweets, Oishi~~~~~~~.

The image below shows "Seiro Omori".
I personally find this soba dish delicious and the portion is amazingly big.

Photo of me and the Store Manager.

Click here to find out more about the shop recommended here in this blog.

京都:おすすめ男性着物店「えいたろう屋」/ Recommended Shop for Men's Kimono in Kyoto

One could easily find all the products related to men's kimono in this shop in Kyoto, Japan. But if you are thinking of purchasing a new set of 'Kimono', please be prepared to wait for a month. As for a new set of 'Yukata', there will be a waiting time of around 3 weeks before its ready.

The photo below would be a photo of me wearing a kimono
that was made from the shop [Eitarouya] in Kyoto, Japan.

Click here to find out more about the shop recommended here in this blog.