Saturday, August 27, 2011

シンガポール唯一の「精進料理」レストラン/Only restaurant in Singapore that serve Japanese Vegetarian Food

シンガポールに様々な日本料理レストランがありました。例えば:居酒屋とか、ラーメン屋とか、しゃぶしゃぶレストランとか。。。様々のレストランがあります。しかし、シンガポールに「精進料理」のレストランは一軒だけです。ねきょうと:( ・ g・)うそーん。。。嘘ではありませんよ。本間に一軒だけです。でも、「精進料理」とは何ですか?「精進料理」の材料は野菜だけです。野菜を使って、いろいろな料理を作っています。例えば:鰻丼みたいの精進料理とか、いろいろな豆腐料理とか、てんぷらみたいの精進料理とか、様々な「精進料理」があります。
There are all sorts of Japanese food restaurant in Singapore. For example: Izakaya, Ramen shops, Shabu Shabu restaurants... etc. However, there is only one restaurant in Singapore that serves 'Shojin Ryori'. But what is 'Shojin Ryori'? The ingredients for making 'Shojin Ryori' are vegetables only. The chef will only be using vegetables to create all sorts of food items. For example: vegetables meals that look and taste like Unagi Don or Tempura, various types of Tofu set meals... etc. Basically, there are all kinds of 'Shojin Ryori' available in Japan.

The following photos were taken at the restaurant 'Zen' that is also the only restaurant that serves 'Shojin Ryori' in Singapore.

Unagi Don Set Meal

Udon Set Meal

I'm so sorry that I had completely forgotten the name of this set meal.

The above were photos of the interior of the restaurant.

  • 料理はちょっと高いです
  • 料理は美味いです
  • 時々、野菜料理を食べたほうがいいです
  • 昼:12時から ~ 3時まで
  • 夜:6時から ~ 10時まで
This restaurant is
  • slightly a bit costly
  • the set meals were delicious
  • it is highly recommended to eat a lot of vegetables for a meal or two
  • Lunch: From 12noon ~ 3pm
  • Dinner:From 6pm ~ 10pm

* こちは「」レストランの地図です。
^ こちは「精進料理」の資料です。
* Click here for the map of 'Zen' restaurant.
^ Click here to find out more about 'Shojin Ryori'.

Friday, August 26, 2011

古都京都の世界文化遺産・高山寺 / Kozan Ji - Kyoto World Cultural Heritage

皆さん、日本漫画が好きですか?見たことがありましたか?じゃ、これは僕の質問です。「日本最古の漫画」が知っていますか?この漫画の名前は「鳥獣人物戯画」です。「鳥獣人物戯画」は12世紀 - 13世紀(平安時代末期 - 鎌倉時代初期)様々な作者の作品が集まるようになるの作品です。その作者の作品の内容は当時の世相を反映して動物や人物を戯画的に描きました。どうして「鳥獣人物戯画」を紹介しますか?実は「鳥獣人物戯画」は高山寺の国宝です。
Do you like Japanese Manga? Have you seen a Japanese Manga before? Well then, here's a question for you. Do you know what is the oldest Manga in Japan? The name of the oldest Manga in Japan would be 'Choo Juu Jin Butsu Gi Ga'. It's a combination of various works by various artist during the 12th - 13th Century in Japan. These works were chosen as they had used the images of animals and human beings to portray the life during the 12th - 13th century in Japan.

The following photos were taken in 'Kozan Ji':

This is a map of 'Kozan Ji'.

This would be one of the treasure of 'Kozan Ji'. The name of this place would be 'Ishisui En' You can see a wonderful sight of the mountains nearby from here. But maybe the best time of the year to visit 'Kozan Ji' would be the season of 'Autumn'. This is because 'Kozan Ji' is located next to a huge forest and therefore, during the season of 'Autumn' one will be able to catch a glimpse of the beautiful sight of falling maple leaves. :D

Some other photos of 'Kozan Ji'.

I'm disappointed. I wanted to take photos of the 'Choo Juu Jin Butsu Gi Ga', but the originals were currently kept under the care of the museum of Tokyo and Kyoto. And you can only find the imitation of the originals in 'Kozan Ji'... I'm truly disappointed...

* こちは「高山寺」の資料です。
^ こちは「鳥獣人物戯画」の資料です。
~ こちは僕が「高山寺」に撮るの写真です。
* Click here to find out more about 'Kozan Ji'. (In Japanese Only.)
^ Click here to find out more about 'Choo Juu Jin Butsu Gi Ga'. (In Japanese Only.)
~ Click here for the photos of 'Kozan Ji' that was taken by me.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

尊敬の人/A person I respect

Miss S. had earned my respect after watching a movie about her life last weekend. The title of the movie is 'Bitsudan Hostess'. As for Miss S., that will be referring to 'Rie Saito'.

  • 若い時、病気のために、聴力を完全に失いました。
  • 東京、銀座で、有名なホステスになりました。
    ((;´Д`)スバラスィ ...ハァハァ)
  • 2009年11月から、2010年11月まで、青森市の観光大使任命しました。
    ((*^ー゚)b グッジョブ!! )
  • あの女性と僕の年齢が同じです。
Why or how did she earn my respect?
Here are my reasons:
  • She had lost her hearing due to some illness when she was young.
  • She became a famouse hostess in Ginza, Tokyo.
    ((;´Д`)スバラスィ ...ハァハァ)
  • From November 2009 to 2010 November, she was the tourism ambassador of the City of Aomori, Japan.
    ((*^ー゚)b グッジョブ!! )
  • She had the same age as I do.

'One will have to undergo a path full of hardship, in order to gain happiness.'
Note: the Japanese Kanji character for 'Hardship'(辛) is similar to the Japanese
Kanji character for 'Happiness'(幸). And the only difference would be the horizontal
line written on top of the Character, which can also be interpreted as a line or a path.
By Rie Saito

* こちは「斉藤里恵」のブログです。
^ こちは映画「筆談ホステス」の資料です。
* Click here to access the blog of 'Rie Saito'. (In Japanese only)
^ Click here to find out more about the movie 'Bitsudan Hostess'. (In Japanese only)

Monday, August 22, 2011

シンガポール夏祭り2011 / Singapore Natsu Matsuri 2011

実は今週京都の世界文化遺産を紹介続きたいです。しかし、数週間前に、友達によると、今週末に夏祭りがあります。だから、今週はシンガポールの夏祭りを紹介します。京都の世界文化遺産の紹介は来週に続きます。昨日(2011年8月20日)は、一年一回の夏祭りです。このイベントの場所はシンガポールの「日本人学校小学部 チャンギ校」です。
Actually, I was thinking of continuing the introduction of the World Cultural Heritage of Kyoto. But according to my friends a few weeks ago, the 'Natsu Matsuri' of the year 2011 will be held during this weekend. Therefore I will be introducing the 'Natsu Matsuri' of the year 2011 this week and as for the World Cultural Heritage of Kyoto, I will try to continue next week. As for the date (August 20th 2011), was the date for the 'Natsu Matsuri' for the year 2011. As usual, the venue of this event was The Japanese School at Changi.

The photos below were taken during the 'Natsu Matsuri' yesterday:

There are so many people gathering here for the 'Natsu Matsuri'.

This years's 'Natsu Matsuri' Taiko Opening Performance.

There's a variety of shops selling all sorts of goods.
For example: all sorts of food, masks, toys, etc...

Games of the 'Natsu Matsuri'.


Frankfurt Sausage

Fish-shaped pancake
filled with bean jam


Japanese Mochi

Pumpkin Croquette
and Normal Croquette

Chocolate Mint Ice Cream


Caramel Pudding

We have tried various kind of food. Yummy, Yummy.

The above are photos of the performance at the centre stage.
The below are videos of the performance at the centre stage

下:SMAP X SMAP 2011年6月6日のパーフォーマンス
Top: Performance at the 'Natsu Matsuri'
Bottom: Performance on the Japanese TV Show SMAP X SMAP June 6th 2011
Doesn't it look similar?

Taiko Performance

Bon Odori

Doraemon Bon Odori

Full of envy.
This is my dream.

I'll be back for the 'Natsu Matsuri' of the year 2012.
(I must wear Yukata next year.)

* こちは「シンガポールの夏祭り」の資料です。
^ ここに他の写真があります。
* Click here to find out more about the 'Natsu Matsuri' that was held annually.
^ Click here to take a look at all the photos taken during the 'Natsu Matsuri'